Patchwork mitts
What the hell is Tilkumiitti?
A series of meetings for people interested in handicrafts in Tilkkus, where we do handicrafts together and share tips with each other. Sometimes we have a certain technology topic selected, sometimes certain types of work.Does it cost to participate in Tilkumiit?
It doesn't cost anything, but coffee, tea and cookies are offered there, and you can also bring your own snacks either for yourself or to share. You can bring your own unfinished work, you can knit socks or promote your English paper sewing work, for example.When does Tilkumiit meet?
We meet twice a month on even-numbered Wednesdays to make it easier to remember, check the dates on our events calendar .Language: English and/or Finnish
Open to anyone interested in quilting. Free, no membership required.
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